Work begins on the City’s Complete Streets Plan!

Complete Streets Plan

Work is now underway on the “Saratoga Springs Complete Streets Plan,” which, “aims to improve safety, connectivity, and accessibility for pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit users​ in our neighborhoods” in keeping with the city’s previously adopted Complete Streets Policy. The plan is being developed with support from the Capital District Transportation Committee, and being led by the firm of Alta Planning + Design, which also has been directly involved with the development of the Saratoga Greenbelt Trail.

Complete Streets incorporate​ the needs of all modes of transportation, from bicycling and walking to driving and transit. The project leaders noted that, “the plan’s data collection and analysis​ process, hands-on site visits, and community involvement will form an action-oriented plan that helps maintain and improve the healthy and active lifestyles currently ​enjoyed​ by Saratoga Springs residents and visitors.” The first public meeting was held on June 29, and additional public comments can be submitted via an online survey.